"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." -Vladimir Nobokov

Friday, October 4, 2013

Letter #4

Dear October,
         Today was, in most respects, a great day. You gave me the rain storm I’d asked for yesterday, and cleared up for another beautiful sunset. Because today was the last day before fall break,  classes were laid back and fun. I ate dinner with some great people in the almost empty cafeteria, and then got to video chat with friends back home. Even though there were some technical glitches, and I ended up having to communicate through instant message, it was so great to see everyone’s faces again. I feel grounded in both my new reality and my old, and I’m glad I haven’t abandoned one for the other. What’s more, my cooped-up creativity is ready to pry its way out, and fall break provides the perfect opportunity to work on all the beautiful little story ideas I’ve been having recently. My heart is full of my wonderful friends, my mind is brimming with words, and I can tell that this long weekend is going to be just what I need. Thank you, October, for the gifts you’ve given me so far. Just make sure to keep ‘em coming ;)


Song of the day: "New Slang" by The Shins

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got your rain storm :) There was some very light rain today. We're connected by weather! Love the photo!! How long is your fall break? I don't think we have one until Thanksgiving. We should skype soon! (sorry this comment is all over the place)
