"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." -Vladimir Nobokov

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Letter #1

Dear October,
        You dawned crystal clear and impossibly bright. It’s still a little warm for scarf weather, but I couldn’t resist. The last week of September was full of trips to coffee shops and impromptu celebrations with friends. After a week like that, it can be hard to be sucked back into reality, and today I was faced with a growing mountain of homework and an unexplainable restlessness. Not the best way to start a new month. But you brought other things, October. Things like the promise of a paycheck for my work in the Writing Center, and crafting the perfect last sentence of an essay. Then there’s the feeling that comes with each new beginning, like stretching your muscles after a night in cramped sleeping quarters. Suddenly you feel more awake, you have space to move, and each new experience is the world opening itself up to you, little by little.


Song of the Day: "Lost in my Mind" by The Head and the Heart

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