"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." -Vladimir Nobokov

Friday, June 22, 2012


Okay. So I know I'm not supposed to apologize on my blog, or make excuses about why I haven't been posting recently, but I have a couple of legitimate reasons for my absence that I'd like to have go on record:

  1. The end of May was insane, with finals and the end of my Junior year of high school. I am officially a senior now!
  2. I just got back from a seven day cruise in the bahamas. My computer stayed at home. 
  3. I am going to break the first rule now and apologize for being missing in action. I do plan to continue writing in this blog and I hope you will continue reading! (Next time I'll try to warn you about any absences!)
Well, now that that's out of the way, I thought I'd give you a little update on the things going on my life right now: 

  • I got accepted to the Iowa Young Writer's Studio! I will be there for two weeks in July, not including a detour my parents and I are taking in order to explore colleges in that area when the workshop is over. I WILL be bringing my computer, so I will try to keep you updated on all the goings on.
  • Two pieces of my writing were accepted for publication in the Ivy Quill, Ivy Tech Community College's (in Indiana) literary magazine. So happy!
  • As part of our assignment for the fiction class that I will be taking in Iowa, we have to write in a notebook every day. I've been trying to do that, with...moderate success.
  • I just started writing on a new project that I'm dubbing "Laura's Super Secret Project."More on that later.
  • Also, I love this video. This is what I hope writing a novel is like, even if it does make me seem crazy. (Via: Kaleb Nation)
  • I'm sick. Meaning I have a cold. And it sucks.

Well, that's about all for now. I just want to say how good it feels to be blogging again! In a few days I will try to post another "From a Writer's Notebook" post. I feel kind of bad that I haven't done more with that series.

Also: I'm currently reading "A Good American" by Alex George. It is wonderful so far. Stay tuned for a review!

Finally, thank you everyone who has read and commented on this blog. It means so much to me!

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